Agencia Comercial Seng Kuong da Vittorio Lda
「誠光」為眾多葡萄牙品牌產品之澳門總經銷: 包括夏派及康派果汁系列, 石頭梳打礦泉水, 維珍妮及金馬輪水, 沙路士及超霸啤酒, 白嘉露/莊瑪莉及波霸酒廠, 康派豆及蕃茄類產品, 馬莎欖類產品, 羅保腸類產品, 華美娜沙甸及吞拿魚, 美樂莎奶類產品等等…...
除葡萄牙產品, 「誠光」也進口東南亞產品, 如: 馬來西亞咖啡樹咖啡產品, 泰國羅莎醬料及沙甸魚系列。當然, 我們也榮幸成為法國卡慕干邑及其法國酒類, 蘇格蘭格蘭哥尼威士忌之澳門區經銷。此外, 我們也經銷多款國內及香港著名品牌產品。
澳門市場之覆蓋率達80%, 包括各賭場、酒店、餐廳、飯堂、超市、便利店及藥房等等……
“Agencia Comercial Seng Kuong da Vittorio Lda” are the executive agent on many leader brands from Portugal, they are: Compal & Sumol Fruit Juices, Pedras Salgadas Sparkling Water, Vitalis & Caramulo Water, Sagres Beer, Super Bock Beer, Bacalhoa Winery, Jose Maria da Fonseca, Borba Winery, Port Wine from Niepoort, Compal Bean & Tomato Products, Macarico Olive Products, Nobre Meat & Sausage Products, Ramirez Sardine & Tuna Products, Mimosa Milk Items.
Aside Portuguese products, we also deal with many items from Far East Asia, such as Coffee Tree Coffee products from Malaysia, Roza Sause & Canned Mackerel from Thailand. Of course, we are proud to be the sale agent on Camus Wine & Spirits & Glengoyne Scotch Whisky in Macau. Furthermore, we are the agent on the leader brands from Hong Kong & China.
We have a market share of over 80% in Macau, providing to casino, hotels, restaurants, canteens, supermarkets & drugstores & pharmacy stores etc.
電話 / TEL:+853 2896 5919
傳真 / FAX:+853 2896 5780
熱線 (WeChat & WhatsApp):+853 6555 1999
地址 / ADD : 澳門半島南灣區 湖濱路12號 YOHO金銀島名勝世界酒店辦公大樓16樓 / Macau Peninsula Nam Van Area Caminho Marginal do Lago No.12, Treasure Island Office Building 16/F